I believe that both Politics and Religion can co-exist without clash of interest. Politics is just methodologies and activities associated with running a government or organization which involves power, influence or conflict of interest. Religion on the other hand, is a belief in a spiritual or metaphysical reality which INVOLVES at least a Diety or creator: it involves practices or rituals inform of worship, sacrifices etc.

The subject matters(politics & Religion) operate fervently with groups, organization, laws(policies, constitutions etc) for the benefits of their followers and masses at large. Both can't exist without each other: without politics in church, the voice and fame of the bourgeois and/or that of the commoners can't be relevant. The problem of religious bodies with politics I believe and stand to be corrected is the mode of practice: blood shed, blackmailing, bribery and other related offences. In religious bodies, few of the awkward acts if not all in politics do exist in churches, mosque etc but perhaps in a different dimension. For certain key positions to be occupied in churches, mosques etc the nominees solicit one-on-one to other members directly or indirectly for their maximum support(campaign), each leader has it's own followers, have powers to amend or suggest towards the amendment of the guiding principles for the common interest of the religious body or members(constitutional amendment) etc.

Great men of God and Imams etc supplicate to the Almighty for the peace of the nation and solicit for wisdom on behalf of the leaders. Every political office aspirant bow before the clerics for an election victory prayer and spiritual guidance. Who are the voting card carriers? Of course, Church members and all other religious groups with a common interest.

Without government approval, no religious body can reconstruct any dilapidated road leading to your place of worship(power). It's political practices that led to formation of government and every religious body is registered under same government: Why then being too religion at the mention of politics?

Therefore, to curb the menace of ill-fated political practices in your nation, the clerics should fully be involved and add political topics to form part of their teachings to the congregants through the inspiration of the Holy spirit. By so doing, we the upcoming political gurus with our senior colleagues can re-adjust to the most decent ways of practicing politics without involvement of thuggery which leads to banditry, militancy, unknown gun men, terrorism, election rigging etc. and every body will be happy for once!

In conclusion, outright youths' involvement in politics shall be the best and most acceptable political practice globally ONLY if we the younger generations are opportune to be fully involved and the clerics do the needful! It's no longer the game of the ELDERS that supposed to be resting in their country homes....


WRITER: Hon. Nwaejie Chris O.


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